Civil Responsibility

Civil liability insurance is a type of policy that is purchased to provide coverage for provisions under civil law. Civil liability insurance policies are available in countries such as England and are purchased by various clubs, sports teams and professionals. A policy will pay for damages that result from the conduct of the insured and claims made against an insured while a policy is in force. This includes civil liability claims that occur as the result of any professional activities.


مــــســــــؤولـــيـــة مــدنــيـــــة :

أي مسؤولية رب العمل اتجاه زبائن المؤسسة

 • فئة أولى وفئة ثانية     $400

 • فئة ثالثة وفئة رابعة   $500


استثناءات المسؤولية المدنية :


 • أعمال الشغب والقتال

 • الأامراض على أنواعها

 • إذا كان الزائر يحمل نفس رقم سجل رب العمل

 • آليات المؤمن